Our Platform

At Recombia we focus on metabolic engineering of industrial organisms, with an emphasis on yeast and bacteria. We deliver cost effective high-performance solutions by leveraging the integrated bioengineering ecosystem with our partners at Lesaffre Group.

Our Genetic Engineering Approach

One of the underlying process of Recombia’s genetic engineering approach is akin to the ‘find and replace’ function of a word processor. Our approach searches through millions of letters (i.e. DNA bases) of genetic code, finds a sequence of bases of interest, and then replaces that sequence with a new sequence designed to improve a particular yeast trait. Recombia’s ground-breaking technologies ensure the new sequence (aka Donor DNA) is free of errors and also accurately and efficiently replaces the previous sequence. Our technologies also facilitate downstream testing of the resulting yeast, which would otherwise be rate-limiting.

Our metabolic engineering platform comprises of three distinct capabilities:

Natural Product Pathway Discovery

Our innovation product pipeline

The Lesaffre Biofoundry Services